Tag Archives: The Muse Melangell

Review of ‘Snowdon’ author Jim Perrin’s earlier book ‘West:’

We have expressed our belief that Jim Perrin uses aliases and we have pointed out, particularly, ‘Llywarch’ and ‘Melangell’. ‘Melangell’ (JP?) posted, on 05/09/2012, a comment following an article by The Guardian’s prestigious environment editor, John Vidal two days earlier. Unable to resist the temptation to correct a quote, he did so — perhaps to showcase his ‘erudition’ — (although anyone may look it up), and ended waspishly with a side-swipe by saying ‘The ignorance of these sub-editors!’ In fact he was third in line — two others, ‘FifthCookieMonster’ and ‘hitandrun’, had posted their (more kindly) comments on the 3rd and the 4th of  September.

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‘Llywarch’ (JP?) having kept a low profile for some time, posted on Amazon, on 31/12/2012, ‘Ever heard of recurrent motifs and puzzled out their purpose?’ This piece of ‘cleverness’ was a belated response to ‘Richard’ whose review of West may still be read; he had had the ‘effrontery’ to award West merely one star on the Amazon review thread — thirteen months earlier, on 29/11/20 Continue reading

‘Snowdon’ author Jim Perrin is a disconcerted man

It has been said (by someone who is a friend Jim Perrin and knows him well) that we are with our posts ‘getting under his skin’ — and that ‘he is a disconcerted man’.

Asked whether we should not be concerned that by writing them we might be drawing more attention to his earlier book West, we have thought of it and given it careful consideration: however, we realise that anyone who reads the book we so deplore, and the first chapter in The Climbing Essays (the first book in which he wrote his lies about ‘Jacquetta’) is likely to become aware of jacssisters.org. We have been told this by many who have actually found our site after reading his books…

Therefore more people will be able to read for themselves the story of our sister’s short relationship with Jim Perrin — the man she grew to fear, and of the extra issues that with the help of others have come to light and which we have raised since our first postings. Those who might research him, and who discover jacssisters — both now or in the future — will learn far more about him than ever he would wish or could imagine. Continue reading

A Hidden Side to Jim Perrin

It is one of the finer traits of human-kind to trust and to place confidence in those whom we love or admire and mentors for example, ideally, should have the utmost integrity, their position of ‘power’ never exploited or abused. Cynicism is not naturally a predominant human characteristic and those of a trusting nature may readily, yet unwittingly, fall under the flattering ‘charming’ spell of a subtle and experienced practitioner; one whose flaws of character could lead to a betrayal of their trust.

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Jim Perrin, we know, has led people to trust him and to believe in him. But we wonder whether the fact that his writing is in some quarters well-regarded (although, by contrast, the phrase: ‘he’s a purple-prose merchant of a high order’ has been used… ) should override the many grave failings in the character of the man? — character failings which for years (and decades) have been by some only too well known but which are at last now coming to more public attention. Continue reading