Monthly Archives: October 2010

Jim Perrin writes libellously?


‘A previous man in her life had beaten her savagely about the head, and her corrective balance was gone.’  ref. p.18 of West.

This is not only an arrant lie, but in our sister’s case the medical ‘fact’ is also ridiculous nonsense. But the description is a typical example of Jim Perrin’s ability to libel people so carefully that hopefully he will not be caught out.  He has learned the hard way about the laws of libel and has, to his cost, fallen foul of them. Nowadays he uses a system he has devised, a system — ‘libelling libel-lessly’ — by which, with apparent impunity, he can traduce anyone he chooses; those of whom he is inordinately jealous, ref. p.74 of West, those who have crossed him — hurt his amour-propre; those who are in any way thought to be an inconvenient obstacle to his ‘imagined’ truth.  He sharpens his little knife and uses it with all his verbal dexterity.

He is well aware, in his ‘cleverness’, that many of his readers will know to whom he refers and he has used this ‘system’ on several occasions to insult our family and friends — in his latest book, for one.

In his description of our sister’s accident, it can be seen that he refers to two other incidents — both before and afterwards thus, to a degree, lessening any responsibility he may have had. Of course Jac told us of this accident and described to us what had happened.  She was, as she explained, outside with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other, when slipping on a loose boulder she missed her footing and fell badly onto her left side; the pain was excruciating.

Without doubt this injury to her ribs was extremely serious, and for months she was in terrible pain.

Jac’s sisters.

Jim Perrin claims he is ‘haunted’

On page 58 of West the author writes: ‘She was the phantom that haunted my every attempt at relationships.  And I was hers.’

Obviously we cannot speak of Jim Perrin’s many previous partners, although our hearts go out to all those other women in his life whom he dismisses with such a sweeping stroke; and to his children who may, in the future, read or hear how little their mothers were regarded by their father. However we can say, and with absolute certainty, that our sister was never haunted by a Jim Perrin ‘phantom’.

In our earlier posts we have shown how genuinely happy Jac’s life had been, in all its phases; fulfilling, productive and contented. Jim Perrin’s name was never, ever, mentioned. He was, in her own words when she was telling us about him years later, someone she had known ‘briefly’, ‘intermittently’ and ‘occasionally’ in the days when she was living with her partner. She did not deny having met him — but she explained that it was because he had sometimes climbed when and where her ‘first love’ had, in Wales, and when she had accompanied him she had, on occasion, seen Jim Perrin in that climbing milieu, although the two men never climbed together. And there was no question whatever that she was ‘haunted’ as Jim Perrin described in the passage quoted above.  Continue reading

Jim Perrin shows his true colours


An article published in The Observer in July 2005 so disturbed us, knowing that it was not the truthful account it purported to be, that we wrote to the paper, ref. Introduction ; and as it did not then occur to us to use the internet we took the editor’s refusal to print our rebuttal as final. (He was Roger Alton who although we did not know it at the time was a good friend of Jim Perrin.) We felt that we had no option but to let the matter rest, and philosophically we resigned ourselves.

Five years passed and we then read another article which was published in The Times. They were both written by the author, Jim Perrin.

We considered a simple statement to the effect that our sister, Jac, was not married to him, but before we had sent it we read a review in The Guardian by Sir Andrew Motion, 24/07/2010, and then another by Stevie Davies in The Independent, 11/08/2010. Continue reading