Tag Archives: The Good Doctor

Jim Perrin climbs the property ladder (revised since receiving further information)

Between August, 1998 and October, 2002, Jim Perrin had, as nearly as we can work it out, at least nine addresses and he wrote in West of the period before that, whilst his first son lived with him:

‘We moved house on average once a year until he was ten years old’ , when, he says, ‘I bought a house in Dinorwig.’  (Although we did learn later that this was not the whole truth.)

Certainly he has ’moved’ around a great deal.  Except: again there is the convenient ‘air-brushing’: actually he did not, as he implies throughout this book, single-handedly raise his son, Will, but instead remarried, his third wife, whilst his son, Will, was still very small;  a toddler, barely three years old.

This young woman, who already had two children of her own and with whom he had a further child, was a very loving step-mother to Will and was mostly responsible for his upbringing in those early years.

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By 2000, when mortgages could be as easily obtained as now they are not, relatively low deposits, accommodating bank managers and repayments which in some cases were as low as rents, made property ownership a feasible plan and in April, 2000, Jim Perrin applied for and in May received, a mortgage offer. Up until that time he had always lived in rented accommodation.

He had been, however, less than honest when answering the necessary questionnaire:

Status?   Single.  Married.  Cohabiting.  Separated.  Divorced.  Widowed.

We know that by April the 28th, 2002, (and not taking into account several other ‘seriously failed’ relationships) three former wives — two of them mothers of two of his children — were divorced from Jim Perrin. And at the time of this mortgage application not only was he then still married to a fourth wife — who later had his baby — but he was also, at the same time, living, ‘co-habiting’, with a young woman who, as the records show,  subsequently gave birth to yet another of his children: although it was after she had fortuitously managed to disentangle herself from the relationship. (This was another child whom he had kept secret from our sister: she was still unaware when she died.)

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Jim Perrin, ‘Guardian’ country diarist, writes an anonymous letter

Jim Perrin has written a particularly noxious ‘anonymous’ letter — one, at least, that we know of — and we have shown it in full transcript with a specimen of his handwriting here.

He was, throughout this letter, twisting facts and dates and trying to put into their landlord’s mind the idea that our late sister’s children were behaving not only anti-socially — with risk to his property — but illegally: doubtless to cause their eviction.

In this remote moorland where there are fewer than a dozen farms the ‘residents’ are mostly known to each other and our sister had lived there with her children for over fifteen years: some of these ‘residents’ were at the party we mention below.

The ‘track’ is on the high moors at the end of a tarmac road which leads only to three other farms before it becomes the length of unsurfaced rough track to the cul-de-sac where our sister’s house is situated. Continue reading

An anonymous letter written by Jim Perrin

It was not long after our sister’s death.  She had died while still young and her children had to adjust to their lives without her constant and loving guidance.  Of course our family and all those who could help gave their full support, and it was during this period of deep mourning that one of Jac’s sons telephoned his ‘Welsh’ aunt.

Her nephew had just opened a letter, sent by their landlord, which he read to her over the ‘phone. In this letter details were given of a ‘letter of complaint’ which they had received and they ended by saying that ‘As explained, no action is to be taken — there has not been a complaint for fifteen years, so I doubt there will be more!’  (Do note the landlord’s emphasis…)

This troubling letter concerned Jac’s children: sent anonymously in July of that year, less than eight weeks after her death, the clear intention of the writer was to do them harm.  Containing vehemently expressed distortions of the truth as well as actual lies it was a work of the most distilled malice. Continue reading