Tag Archives: Perrin’s Welsh Heritage

Jim Perrin’s family background

We have previously put this comment on To Hatch a Crow, and we repeat it here with printouts from Jim Perrin’s family tree. As his mother, from our research, would appear to be alive, we are not of course including her although we do have all her recent details. (Later note: Jim Perrin’s mother has died since this post was written.)

We are showing his family tree so that should anyone doubt the truth of what we have written — that Jim Perrin is NOT Welsh — they may read the evidence for themselves. Apart from the ‘quotes’ already given in previous posts, the following is a part-transcript of an interview with Colin MacKay on BBC Radio Scotland. (29/08/2010.) Continue reading

Jim Perrin protests too much


The following was our comment on a story on the To Hatch a Crow site:

“It is all very well for Jim Perrin to lead a protest against wind turbines on his ‘native’ Welsh hills’ thus augmenting his ‘image’ and showing his passionate attachment to Wales — the ‘countryside of his forbears’.”

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Sir Andrew Motion wrote in his review of West in The Guardian, 24/07/2010, ‘of his [Jim Perrin’s] native Wales’,  and Stephen Knight wrote in the T.L.S. 14/01/2011:  ‘the return to his Welsh roots in North Wales’. ‘Scotinparis’ wrote on the ensuing Guardian review thread, 24/07/2010:  ‘Fairly sure Jim Perrin comes from Manchester so it’s not his “native Wales” ‘, and ‘Walterluke’ wrote in answer on the same thread — ‘however, he is a Welsh speaker [?] and of Welsh birth ’.  WE believe that ‘Walterluke’ is one of the aliases which Jim Perrin used in the course of this dialogue to plant misinformation and to ‘puff’ his book West

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However, he is NOT Welsh by heritage as he continually asserts — amazing what information may be found on the internet, and we intend to show his genealogy chart shortly… Continue reading