Jim Perrin has lied about his connection with the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre.

We were told by a well-wisher, on 16/11/2016, that Jim Perrin claimed he had ‘Started studying at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre’.Actually he ‘studied’ at Bangor university according to his own biographical notes, achieving a 2:1 in English; and which we wrote about in January 2013: ‘Does Guardian Country Diarist, Jim Perrin, have a phantom PhD?’ (ref. the titles shown below). And because, as so many of our previous posts reveal, we have found him to be a man who lies with consummate  ease — some lies being of exceptional wickedness, and not just ‘little white lies’ — we thought we would ask them…

The office personnel as well as the heads of department were, in the true Quaker spirit, generously and openly responsive to our enquiry; there was none of the stifling ‘political correctness’ which these days so often can obstruct attempts to determine the truth. (And by which those who have reasons to wish to remain hidden can ‘play the system’ to their undoubted advantage!)

They informed us that there is no documentation of Jim Perrin ever having attended; neither very recently — as he would have us believe — nor at any time previously. They were able to state this with authority as they have kept a meticulous record, and have updated their database within the last eighteen months. No name was removed from the earlier version and all names were included — up to the present, and going back some fifteen years — and they ‘had even checked the post-graduate names, just in case, although [they] had doubted it… it is a full database.’They told us that if he had attended for however short a period, using any variant of his name: Jim Perrin, Ernest James Perrin, James Ernest Perrin (or including his optional extra ‘Doctor’ ** &***) his details would have been registered and retained. They said there is no evidence at all that he has ever ‘studied’ — at least in his own name — at that Quaker establishment:  ‘no formal or informal details’;  ‘no record of attendance on short study courses’;  ‘no record of attendance at any set of lectures’;  ‘no record whatever of Jim Perrin having attended the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre’ — according, that is, to those who are officially in a position to verify his claim.

*       *       *       *       *

Surely it must be clear from this information that Jim Perrin has a most blatant disregard for the truth; and because for so many years he has lied with impunity  and without conscience — seldom being challenged — he continues to be, as we believe and have shown in many previous posts, a thoroughly practised exponent of the ‘art’ of deception. And, on that subject, it seems he is still showing no sign of being inconvenienced by the Terminal Lung Cancer of which he said he was given a diagnosis in 2007…

Jac’s sisters.

* Recent news of author Jim Perrin. ** Does the Guardian Country Diarist for Wales have a phantom PhD? *** Banff Mountain Book Award — should Jim Perrin be trusted to judge his peers impartially?