Does Jim Perrin, ‘Guardian’ Country Diarist, really have Terminal Lung Cancer?

As of today (June 4th, 2021) Jim Perrin has not died of his ‘Terminal Lung Cancer’ — the diagnosis he claimed to have been given in 2007 by the medical profession — and for which, he was at pains to explain, he had specifically elected to receive no treatment of any kind, neither surgical nor palliative; no hospitalisation or the intervention of doctors. He made a great point of this. It seems that it needed to be said. Otherwise how could he have justified his decision to refuse the cancer treatment — which would almost certainly have been the course of action for one who was genuinely diagnosed — without giving the lie to his elaborate subterfuge. His ‘explanation’ was cleverly contrived to pre-empt all suspicion.

In West, published in July 2010, he wrote in detail and at length about his ‘illness’, and in an article in the Times, 13/07/2010, he added: ‘Post-script: My cancer, not worth mentioning in my view [yet here, clearly, he is doing just that], carries a one chance in ten of survival beyond five years. In November I’ll be three years in.’ So stoic; so very brave…

The consultant* who most generously offered to contribute these notes on the subject, 06/05/2014, wrote: ‘in WEST Perrin states that he “has upper lobe carcinoma with metasteses in both lungs”. This is stage 4 cancer and it would carry the likely prognosis of a matter of a few months if untreated.’ Later in his notes he says: ‘I find the account of the diagnosis of Perrin’s cancer to be very unlikely, and the lack of progression of a tumour is strong evidence that he has not, and has never had lung cancer.’

So: it would appear that Jim Perrin has most remarkable, if not incredible, powers of survival particularly when one considers he dated his diagnosis to 2007, now well over a decade ago, and was reported by Sir Andrew Motion to have said ‘he had refused conventional medicine.’ Writing of it himself in West, he described how: ‘Pneumonectomy, chemotherapy and radiography treatments were suggested but I brusquely walked away from them.’ It is also of interest, and worth reminding readers what we have been told by an impeccable source, that several years ago he had let it be known that he was suffering from liver cancer — only later choosing ‘Terminal Lung Cancer’ to be his fatal illness. It really is a miracle this man is still alive…

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But, to be serious, it seems to us the saddest of all ironies that Jac, for whose sake we set up this site, was genuinely diagnosed with cancer and although accepting of all the care and treatment offered to her, tragically she died barely nine months later — this in stark contrast to Jim Perrin’s evidently dishonest and distasteful accounts of his own ‘terminal illness’.

It added to the trauma of our sister’s last months that he (Jim Perrin was then her partner) actively controlled her and on many occasions actually prevented her contact with family and friends; particularly in her final weeks of life. During this time he silenced the telephone, and even went so far at one point as to change the security code secretly on her car so that she was unable to leave him or her home — it was whilst her Yorkshire sister was visiting her and they discovered what he had done when they had decided to go out together: Jac found she was unable to start her own car. This was how he ‘cared for his woman in her time of dying’, (quoting from his book!) Of course when she realised he had deliberately immobilised her vehicle she was beyond furious…

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We have been told by a dear friend of Jac’s (they had been close since their children were tiny) how Jim Perrin telephoned her and high-handedly took it upon himself to cancel an arrangement she had made with Jac, to visit the sea. In view by now of Jac’s frailty this friend was to drive to her house to collect her and take her there, as Jac had said how very much she longed to go. Jim Perrin told her that Jac no longer wished it (it would tire her!) and he told Jac that it was her friend who had cancelled their plans! Jac never knew why she had let her down (or so it seemed) and it was only on discovering our site that this friend learned of how wickedly Jim Perrin had treated our sister.

That he should have interfered in this way was exceptionally callous and hard-hearted. It would have been such solace for Jac, who was by now terminally ill she had always loved the sea and would have found their visit emotionally restorative; it was the reason she was so looking forward to it — yet by her partner’s entirely unwarranted intervention she was needlessly hurt that her friend had not come for her, and bitterly disappointed at the failure of their plan. These are just three of the many examples of how Jim Perrin exerted power over our sister not only during most of their time together but in the cases described here, towards the very end of her life: his actions were mean, despicable and truly unconscionable

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As can be seen, Jim Perrin did not die of the liver cancer from which we know he had pretended to be suffering some twenty years ago; nor has he succumbed to his ‘lung cancer’ — the story of which he so painstakingly proclaimed in the many interviews, and at book festivals round the country, at the time of the publication of his book West — and, indeed, since then. We have been told that even to the present day he refers to his (non-existent) ‘cancer’ giving people to believe that He Has Not Been Well At All. Although of course he does not have cancer it is known that in its many forms it can strike, terrifyingly, at any time and the chances these days of anyone being diagnosed are very high indeed: so it might well be that he does develop it in the future. It is to be hoped that Jim Perrin remembers the old adage: ‘Be careful what you wish for’ as it would be such bad luck, after all this time…

Surely by now those who believed in his previous pretences must realise they were just that —  entirely fictitious and fabricated falsehoods constructed to manipulate their emotions thereby gaining sympathy, support and, as he did, advantages. Jim Perrin the author — there can be no doubt — is also a masterly deceiver.

We need no caveat of ‘we believe’ to say this. On the subjects of his illnesses; his relationships; his treatment of his partners; his violence and his fraudulent behaviour — mythical PhDs and his successful hoodwinking over the years of the Child Support Agency (now the CMS) for just two examples — our plentiful evidence is documented and readily available should we be called upon to provide it.

Jac’s sisters.

* Notes concerning lung cancer with reference to Jim Perrin’s claim to have the disease

Jim Perrin, diagnosed with terminal lung cancer?

More details concerning Jim Perrin’s cancer

The contents of the first of these posts would seem to drive a coach and horses through Jim Perrin’s ‘story’. And, as well, we have just come across the following information:

Jim Perrin claimed, as we mentioned above, he had been diagnosed in July, 2007 — it is now June, 2021**. Still to be in the land of the living virtually fourteen years from ‘diagnosis’ is hardly ‘terminal’… Possibly realising that others might notice the improbability of his story, it could be the reason he thought fit to change it. In October, 2018, he told Richard Pugh the Llangadwaladr  church-warden — who since has told us — ‘I shouldn’t really be here, because in the past I was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive type of cancer.’ (This is now certainly known to be an absolute fiction…) As, when this visit to the church took place, he had with him a companion who has known him for decades (‘a dear old buddy’) — and one who will certainly know of the original claim of cancer and believed it — obviously the description ‘terminal’, the impression he had been giving unchallenged for years, was redundant, so he amended his story with the implication that he had been amazingly lucky. Oh, slithery Jim Perrin…

**  Later edit: It is now June, 2021, and he is still very much alive, and still refusing to pay for his children.