Monthly Archives: October 2011

Was Jim Perrin caught speeding?

The majority of the details which Jim Perrin has given about Jac, and of the period they spent together, are outright lies. We are able to prove so much of what he has written either to be untrue or gross exaggeration.

Apart from those lies which he has told in his books, and in his interviews and broadcasts, it is our opinion that other ‘tools of his trade’ are the use of implication and of innuendo. These, we believe, have become integral elements of his modus operandi.

There are quantities of examples in ‘West:’ illustrative of how he develops his themes. Firstly he states as a fact something which may be true, or very often is not, and continues to lead the reader to visualise as ‘truth’ the picture which he has painted for them.

On p.3 for instance he wrote:  ‘I started the engine of the old black Citroen. It had been Jacquetta’s favourite. She called it our ‘’gangster car’’…‘  (Such rubbish) and, on p.4:  ‘My son Will had borrowed it from time to time, for the style of the thing… ‘ Continue reading

Jacssisters’ complaint to Amazon

Thank you for your response to our email.

We have read your comments, also your guidelines, and we feel that the following points could usefully be brought to your attention.

We had no idea, when we first read an article in The Times, 13/07/2010, written by the author Jim Perrin about his forthcoming book West, that the book was to be published.

But we did read, only weeks after our sister’s death in May 2005, an article he wrote in the The Observer, in which he claimed our sister was his ‘Lover, wife and friend of forty years’, that he was with her when she died, and other inaccurate details.

Knowing these erroneous ‘facts’ to be entirely different from the truth we contacted Roger Alton who was then the editor to ask that we might print a — simple — rebuttal.

We had only asked him for the opportunity to refute the author’s untruthful claims.  He replied that he ‘knew Jim well’, and he would not accommodate us. As we were then unaware of the scope of the internet we didn’t realise the possibility that we could use it, and we took Roger Alton’s dismissal as inevitable, knowing of no other recourse. Continue reading

Jac’s sisters complain to Amazon about author Jim Perrin

We have, for some time, been expressing both our disinclination to believe many of the postings on Amazon regarding Jim Perrin’s “West:” (and our own blog ‘jacssisters’) and our absolute disbelief that certain of the commentators were even genuine: that was our judgement.

But how could we parry the moves of one whom we thought to be so ‘experienced’ in the ways othe internet?  Ref: ‘Jim Perrin’s Fiefdom’.

Our blog is a genuine attempt to document the real history of our sister’s short, and unsatisfactory, relationship with Jim Perrin whose book – to our knowledge – reveals sophistry and great dishonestly, about her and much else.

We do understand he cannot be pleased that we should have risen against him and proved him to be an author by no means scrupulous: and those comments which are, in our opinion, his ‘attempts’ via Amazon to cast doubt on our own integrity have, by and large, shown (we think) how his mind works. Continue reading