Tag Archives: Perrin and the Child Support Agency

Guardian Country Diarist Jim Perrin avoids paying maintenance for his children

In our view Jim Perrin, through years-long practice, has become adept at evasion and that it is to this end he changes his residences so frequently.

When we posted Jim Perrin moves on again? 09/10/2014, we knew he had been living in Harlech for about a year, (although moving back and forth to his ‘bolt-hole’ in Ariège), and it is interesting to relate that so unpopular had he become in that town that a rock was thrown through the car windscreen. He said he had to leave Harlech for the sake of his health…

There were at least two further moves — to rental accommodation — before he settled, for the time being, in the village of Drefach Felindre in Carmarthenshire. Still he succeeds in evading the clutches of the Child Maintenance Service — (formerly the CSA), by the simple expedient, we may assume, of ignoring them. As they do now have his current address he is already making plans to leave and we think, that based on his previous propensity for avoiding them, this will not be unconnected. Continue reading

In defence of childhood

We almost missed an excellent initiative by a group of writers, back in January of this year, in petitioning Oxford University Press to reverse their exclusion from the Oxford Junior Dictionary of many examples of the vocabulary and vernacular of British nature — including, incredibly, ‘acorn’, ‘bluebell’, ‘conker’ — in some misguided attempt at ‘modernisation’. We ask you!!! Continue reading

Jac believed what Jim Perrin told her… she was not aware of the truth — Part 2

Considering all we have discovered about Jim Perrin’s past relationships, it is interesting to note, after our sister died of cancer within nine months of her diagnosis, how quickly he was able to gain the support and loving sympathy of at least six other partners — up to the present — two within the year of Jac’s death. He claimed that he was himself now dying of the disease: they could hardly have missed this tragic coincidence…  His account of the illness, ref. Jim Perrin diagnosed with Terminal Lung Cancer? and his patient suffering and acceptance as he dealt so bravely with his failing health!  —  together with his ‘history’ of past distress, the ‘lack of any real love or understanding’ — was to make him the irresistible subject for the ministrations of the sensitive women he seems opportunistically to have targeted (they were never without property and/or means) and with whom, in succession, he began A New Life. Continue reading